Shipping costs

Shipments throughout Italy and the European Community are entrusted to different couriers depending on the best available service.

Shipping charges are as follows:

Italy: Although the lists provided by the couriers indicate increased pricing for shipments made to Sardinia, all smaller islands and inconvenient/peripheral locations, the same shipping costs for the entire Italian territory.

Shipping to a Collection Point via FermoPoint is €4.00, while home delivery is €6.00.
Delivery to a Collection Point is free for orders from 30€; while for home delivery, the service is free from 40€.

We are committed to providing you with high quality and convenient service. For any further information, please feel free to contact us.

Free shipping for amounts from 30 euros (vat included) is a special Free Gift we offer to our customers who choose a Pickup Point through FermoPoint…

European Community: shipping costs are 20 euros (including vat).

Shipping costs do not include delivery to floors, and delivery by appointment, mandatory telephone contact by the courier, and other additional services.